10th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum
Visions and Visionaries - The Economy is the Motor
For the 10th time, Amb Dr Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum and Dr Erhard Busek, President of Vienna Economic Forum, had the pleasure to welcome 550 from 34 countries and 19 international organisations from the region of the Vienna Economic Forum and beyond, to the Palais Niederösterreich to not only hold the 10th Vienna Economic Forum but also to celebrate its first decade of existence.
The Vienna Economic Forum celebrated its tenth year of existence
The motto of the 10th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum was “Visions and Visionaries – The Economy is the Motor” and the topics were:
- Visions are on demand! The Economy is the Motor!
- The Visions in the Economy: The Motor of Development.
- Make Visions Real. Visionaries from Different Economic Sectors.
- Regional Cooperation – Vision for the Danube
- Visions and Responsibility for the Future Development of the Economy. Ask the Visionaries
Former Vice-Chancellor of Austria and President of Vienna Economic Forum Dr Erhard Busek and Amb Dr Elena Kirtcheva were pleased to welcome the Prime Minister of Montenegro H.E. Milo Djukanovic, Patron of Vienna Economic Forum, who after his speech as Speaker of Honour, received the first ever award for Partner Country of the Year.
Mr Werner Anzengruber, CEO of Verbund AG, Member of Vienna Economic Forum and Dr Herbert Stepic, Senior Advisor to the Board at Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Member of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum were after their Jubilee speeches also awarded. Mr Werner Anzengruber and the Verbund AG were awarded Partner of the Year 2013. Dr Herbert Stepic and the Raiffeisen Bank International AG were awarded Partner of the Decade 2004-2013.
This was followed by the ceremony for handing over the decoration for the merit of successful 10-years development of Vienna Economic Forum was awarded to our founding members, partners, members and strategic partners of Vienna Economic Forum, who contributed to the development and growth of Vienna Economic Forum and thus made it an important institution for the region Southeast Europe, which in 2011 has received the status INTERNATIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION from the Minister for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria, and since July 2012 the Special consultative status at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.
On the second day, Dr Erhard Busek and Amb Dr Elena Kirtcheva were pleased to host four interesting plenary sessions with high-ranking speakers and decision makers from the region of Vienna Economic Forum and beyond.
Federal President of the Republic of Austria H.E. Dr. Heinz Fischer and H.E. Dr. Erwin Pröll, Governor of Lower Austria, sent special video messages. The numerous participants were able to profit from the expertise of our visionaries who held speeches: H.E. Abdalla Salem El-Badri, Secretary General of Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Mr. Ilker Ayci, President of the Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT), Co-Organizer des 10th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum.
The members of the board of Vienna Economic Forum spoke of their visions for the region: Mag. Heinz Messinger, Managing Director, AME International GmbH, Mag. Stefan Szyszkowitz, EVN AG, Mag. Hermann Anderl, Managing Director, Canon CEE, Mark Arnold, CEO Sberbank Europe AG, Dr. Karsten Benz, CCO Austrian Airlines AG, Dr. Ognian Donev, CEO, Sopharma AD, Dkfm. Karl Fink, CEO, Wiener Städtische Versicherungen, Emmanuel Forest, CEO, BOUYGUES Europe, Christo Iliev, Executive Chairman, AG Capital AD, Dr. Gabriel Lansky, Partner, Lansky, Ganzger + partner, Dr. Willibald Plesser, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, DI Dr. Günther Rabensteiner, Member of the board, Verbund AG, Mag. Alois Steinbichler, CEO, Kommunalkredit Austria, Dr. Herbert Stepic, Senior Advisor to the Board, Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Dr. Karl Stoss, CEO, Casinos Austria und der Österreichischen Lotterien GmbH, DI Peter Umundum, Member of the board, Österreichische Post AG
The esteemed speakers of the 10th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum were: Amb. Alain Brian Bergant, Secretary General, Bled Strategic Forum, Strategic Partner of Vienna Economic Forum, Slovenia, Dr. René Siegl, CEO, Austrian Business Agency, Prof. Dr. Danica Purg, President, IEDC-Bled School of Management,Mr. Goran Svilanovic, Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat, Sarajevo, Dr. Reinhard Zuba, Group Chief Marketing Officer, Telekom Austria Group, Member of Vienna Economic Forum, Mag. Richard Kühnel, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Austria, Mr. Henri Thome, CEO, ESLNetwork Brussels, Member of Vienna Economic Forum, Dr. Mario Holzner, Deputy Director, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Suleyman Onatca, Chairman, TURKONFED, Turkey, Strategic Partner of Vienna Economic Forum, Dr. Milan Parivodic, Founder and Chairman, Foreign Investors Services (FORINVEST), Serbia, Strategic Partner of Vienna Economic Forum, Rasa Ristivojevic, Vice President of the Chamber of Economy and Industry of Serbia, Amb. Victor Jackovich, Business Advisory Council for Southeast Europe and Eurasia (BACSEE), Strategic Partner of Vienna Economic Forum, Mag. Andreas Schieder, State Secretary of Finance of the Federal Republic of Austria.
The high-ranking participants, H.E. Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania and Patron of the Vienna Economic Forum, and H.E. Daniela Bobeva-Filipova, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Development of Bulgaria delivered speeches and discussed the Vision Europe and Southeast Europe, and ideas and solutions for further economic development and cooperation in the region. Ms Rasa Noreikiene, Vice Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania gave a greeting speech on behalf of the EU Presidency. On this occasion the Vienna Economic Forum is also pleased to welcome the Republic of Lithuania as a new member country to the Vienna Economic Forum.
The Vienna Economic Forum thanks its strategic partners of Vienna Economic Forum and international originations from various countries:
- Biopolitics International Organisation (B.I.O.), Athens, Greece
- Bled Strategic Forum, Slovenia
- Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), Sofia, Bulgaria
- Business Advisory Council for Southeast Europe (BACSEE), Thessaloniki, Greece
- Central European Initiative - CEI, Trieste, Italy
- DEIK (Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey), Istanbul, Turkey
- EastEuroCo Executive Search Group, Budapest, Hungary
- European Center for Environmental Economy (ECEE), Sofia, Bulgaria
- Hayek Insitut, Vienna, Austria
- International Business and Diplomatic Exchange (IBDE), London, UK
- Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM), Vienna, Austria
- Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT), Ankara, Turkey
- Marmara Group Strategic and Social Research Group, Istanbul, Turkey
- Organisation für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (OiER), Vienna, Austria
- Österreichischer Gewerbeverein, Vienna, Austria
- Representation of the European Commission in Austria
- The Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEİK), Istanbul, Turkey
- Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TURKONFED), Istanbul, Turkey
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Vienna Economic Forum thanks all cooperation partners, members and partners of Vienna Economic Forum for the continuous support and also for the support of the 10th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum, special thanks go to: Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey (ISPAT) Co-Organizer of the 10th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum, Austrian Airlines AG, Federal Ministry for Family, Economy and Youth, Canon CEE GmbH, DenizBank AG, ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria, Representation of the European Commission in Austria, ESL & Network European Affais, FIAMM Industrial Batteries, Embassy of Kosovo in Austria, Österreichische Post AG, Risk Experts Risiko Engineering GmbH und Sopharma AD
The Team of Vienna Economic Forum is please to announce the 11th Vienna Economic Forum on 23-24 November 2014 in Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna.
Vienna Economic Talks - Meet Montenegro in Vienna
7 Oktober 2013 im Studio 44, Vienna
After a successful Vienna Economic Talks – Montenegro Meeting: “Invest in Montenegro - Invest in the Region“ in Becici in April 2008, and as an answer to the more and more intensive Austrian-Montenegrin economic relations and a high interest from the Austrian side, Vienna Economic Forum was proud of the large interest of companies and decision makers from Austria, Montenegro and the whole region in this spezial edition of Vienna Economic Talks about Montenegro in 2013.
Topics were:
- Overview of Montenegro’s Economy – Investors Chances
- Business and Investment Climate. Investment Opportunities in Montenegro: Energy. Tourism. Agriculture and Wood processing. ICT/New Technologies.
- Inside Stories. Experiences of Foreign Investors and Organisations in Montenegro
Dr. Erhard Busek, President of Vienna Economic Forum and Secretary General Amb. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, could welcome 130 participants from 10 countries. This clearly shows the large interest in the Vienna Economic Talks on the promising pre-accession candidate to the European Union Montenegro.
The welcome address was given by the host Dr. Karl Stoss, CEO of Casinos Austria AG, and Member of the Board of the Vienna Economic Forum.
Vienna Economic forum was very pleased to welcome numerous high-ranking representatives and decision makers from both the Montenegrin and Austrian side, as well as from the whole region of Vienna Economic Forum.
The high-ranking Montenegrin delegation led by H.E Prof. Dr. Vujica Lazovic, Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Montenegro, included H.E Branimir Gvozdenovic, Minister for Sustainable Development and Tourism, H.E. Vladimir Kavaric, Minister of Economy,Darko Konjevic, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Marko Vujovic, Deputy Minister of Economy, Milojica Dakic, Governor of the Central Bank of Montenegro and Member of the Governors committee of the Vienna Economic Forum and Velimir Mijuskovic, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro and Member of the Committee of Presidents of Chambers of Commerce of the Vienna Economic Forum.
Numerous bilateral talks and the exchange of contacts and experiences at the “Vienna Economic Talks – Meet Montenegro in Vienna” meeting provided the basis for further cooperation between Montenegro, Austria, and the whole region of the Vienna Economic Forum.
Numerous contacts have been established, and experiences have been exchanged and therefore, also by organising bilateral meetings, we could contribute to a further good cooperation between Montenegro, Austria and the countries of the region.
After the successful conference Dr. Franz Kosyna, Deputy General Manager of the Vienna Insurance Group, Member of Vienna Economic Forum, invited the participants to a Gala Reception.
We were proud to organize this event in cooperation with Casinos Austria AG and Vienna Insurance Group.
Technical Support by Canon CEE GmbH
Vienna Economic Talks - Croatia in the European Union
New Member – New Opportunities
16 September 2013, NOVOMATIC FORUM, Vienna
In cooperation with the Embassy of Croatia in Vienna and NOVOMATIC - GROUP OF COMPANIES
After Croatia’s successful accession to the EU, Dr. Erhard Busek, President of Vienna Economic Forum andAmb. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum were proud and pleased to welcome a high-ranking Croatian delegation headed by H.E. Prof. DSc. Branko Grcic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds of Croatia at Vienna Economic Talks in Vienna.
The welcome address was given by the host Dr. Franz Wohlfahrt, CEO of NOVOMATIC AG, Honorary Consul of Croatia in Lower Austria and Member of the Board of the Vienna Economic Forum and then newly appointed Honorary Consul of Croatia with Consular District Lower Austria.
Topics were:
- Overview of Croatia’s Economy following the EU Accession. European Perspective
- Business and Investment Climate. Investment Opportunities in Croatia
We were proud to welcome a high-ranking Croatian delegation headed by H.E. Deputy Prime Minister Prof. DSc. Branko Grcic, and also welcomed H.E. Dr. Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Regional Policy, as well as, Dr. Reinhold Lopatka, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.
We have registered high interest for investments in Croatia and business contacts with Croatian companies amongst the high ranking managers of the Austrian business society, members of Vienna Economic Forum, as well as from companies from many other countries from the region. This gives us the impression that now was the right time to organise a meeting about Croatia in Vienna and answer to the requested inquires.
There was a large interest of Austrian companies and companies from the region in our event, and we could welcome around 200 participants from 25 countries, which shows the large interest in the Vienna Economic Talks in the region, but also outside of the region of Vienna Economic Forum.
We are proud that we could organize our special event in cooperation with NOVOMATIC AG and the Croatian Embassy in the Novomatic Forum in Vienna.
Technical Support by Canon CEE GmbH