20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum in the Diplomacy & Commerce Austria Magazine

Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) is pleased to share information about the successful 20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum, which took place on November 13, 2023, in the Festive Hall of the Vienna City Hall. An article about the 20th VEF, also featured on the magazine's front page, was written by Ms. Svetlana Nenadovic Glusac, CEO of Diplomacy & Commerce Austria Magazine.

20th VEF Diplomacy and Commerce Magazin

20th VEF Diplomacy and Commerce Magazin Cover

The link to the online version please find here.

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Vienna Economic Forum – Cooperation Partner Novomatic AG honoured as Austrian Leading Company for more than 10 years in a row

Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) is pleased to report, that the VEF- Cooperation partner Novomatic AG, which employs around 24,500 people in more than 50 counties worldwide, was once again recognized as a leading company by the independent, cross-industry excellence platform "Leitbetriebe Austria" for its group-wide sustainable business strategy, high innovative strength and promotion of youth talent.

VEF Cooperation Partner NOVOMATIC Award winning Austrian leading company for more than 10 years

VEF congratulates its Cooperation partner Novomatic AG, one of the largest employers in Lower Austria, on both this important recognition, as well as on the other important awards for their employee-friendly working climate and wishes them many more successes.

Please find here the Press release.

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Vienna Economic Forum - Cooperation partner NOVOMATIC AG with a successful Player Protection Symposium

Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) is pleased to inform about the great response at the Player Protection Symposium which was part of the Responsible Gaming Symposium held at the VEF Cooperation Partner Novomatic AG Headquarters and to congratulate on this successful and very important day for the company!

Click here for the Press release.

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20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum

The Board of Vienna Economic Forum is pleased to inform about the successful 20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum, which took place on 13th November 2023, in the Festive Hall of Vienna City Hall. The lively discussions were followed with great interest by participants from 41 countries. A big thank you goes to the Vienna Economic Forum Main Media Partner, Society Magazine, for the excellent media coverage.
Here is the press release and to the Video of the European Commission EC AV PORTAL.

20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Foru Family Forum

20th Jubilee VEF Titel Foto

20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum Award

20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Foru Schussel

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Intensifying collaboration between Canon CEE GmbH and Vienna Economic Forum

During a working meeting on 11 Oktober 2023 at the premises of Vienna Economic Forum, Mag. Nikolaus Conrad Lorenz, Canon CEE Strategy Director, Member of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum, along with the Secretary General of VEF Amb. Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, discussed further and more intensive collaboration. The main focus of the discussion was the upcoming 20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum on November 13, 2023, and the significant role of Canon CEE, both in its organization and in the planned VEF activities for the year 2024.

Gespräch mit Herrn Mag Lorenz. Canon Webseite 1

Canon CEE, headquartered in Vienna, is responsible for 24 countries, including several VEF member countries.

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H.E. Mr. Roland Bimo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to Austria, was bid farewell with the Vienna Economic Forum's honorary decoration

The Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, had the honor of welcoming H.E. Ambassador Roland Bimo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Albania to Austria, on the occasion of his impressive ten-year term in Vienna and his upcoming return to his homeland.

During the warm farewell conversation in the VEF premises, the outstanding record of the long-standing cooperation between the Embassy of Albania and Vienna Economic Forum was highlighted. The excellent performance and personal commitment of Ambassador Roland Bimo, who made a significant contribution to deepening bilateral relations between Albania and Austria, were particularly recognized.

VEF Amb. Roland Bimo 2023

On behalf of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum, Dr. Elena Kirtcheva awarded H.E. Ambassador Roland Bimo with the "Decoration of Honor of Vienna Economic Forum" as a sign of recognition for his outstanding achievements and his extraordinary commitment to promoting economic and cultural relations in the VEF region.

Vienna Economic Forum wishes Ambassador Bimo all the best for his future as he returns to his homeland after a successful decade in Vienna. His work will always leave a lasting impression in the memories of a fruitful partnership.

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Visit of the designated Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Republic of Austria, H.E. Mr. Mag. Siniša Bencun, at Vienna Economic Forum

On September 20, 2023, the Secretary General of the Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, received the designated Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Republic of Austria, H.E. Mr. Mag. Siniša Bencun, for a working visit at the premises of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF).

VEF Generalsekretärin und Amb. Bencun 2023

 In a very friendly atmosphere, ideas for further deepening of the cooperation with the Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina were exchanged. The focus of the discussion was on the intensive preparations for the upcoming 20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum, scheduled to take place on 13 November 2023, at Vienna City Hall. Further concrete initiatives for the year 2024 were also discussed.

Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) is delighted to welcome H.E. Mr. Mag. Siniša Bencun as a new member of the Ambassadorial Committee of Vienna Economic Forum and wishes him great success in carrying out his important diplomatic mission in Austria.

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Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) President Ambassador Victor Jackovich participated at the International Peace Institute´s Event

On behalf of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) on 12th September 2023 the VEF President Amb. Victor Jackovich participated on the International Peace Institute’s webinar, on the subject of “Multilateralism by the Numbers: How to Address Interconnected Challenges of Our Time.”

The event was co-sponsored by the International Peace Institute (IPI) and Open Society. It was held at the UN premises in New York.

For the report about the Conference given by Ambassador Victor Jackovich please click here.

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Working meeting between the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva and Mr. Svetoslav Lyubomirov, Chairman of the Board of Glavbolgarstroy Holding and CEO of 'GBS International

In a very friendly atmosphere at the headquarters of VEF- Cooperation partner Glavbolgarstroy in Sofia, on September 12, 2023, the Secretary General of the Vienna Economic Forum Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva met Mr. Svetoslav Lyubomirov, Chairman of the Board of Glavbolgarstroy Holding and CEO of 'GBS International,' responsible for the operational management of the entire Glavbolgarstroy Holding Group, as well as with Mr. Kalin Peshov, Chairman of the Management Board of Glavbolgarstroy Holding AD (GBS) and the GBS team, including Ms. Plamena Nenkova, Deputy Executive Director 'Strategies, Communications and International Affairs,' and Ms. Gabriela Alexieva, Corporate Lawyer at GBS HOLDING.

VEF GBS 2023

During the working meeting, the two cooperation partners discussed a wide range of topics related to future collaboration between Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) and Glavbolgarstroy (GBS), such as the upcoming 20th Jubilee of the Vienna Economic Forum, scheduled for November 13 at Vienna City Hall, as well as specific initiatives of VEF in 2024.

Particular attention was given to the establishment of a Vienna Economic Forum- Sofia Branch Office at the GBS headquarters.


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Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) Member Ms. Velina Tchakarova to host a Techno-Geopolitics Workshop in September

Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) is pleased to inform that Velina Tchakarova, Member of Vienna Economic Forum and Founder of FACE (For a Conscious Experience) organises a Techno-Geopolitics Workshop from 21st to 23rd September 2023.

Vienna Economic Forum wishes a successful event!

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Vienna Economic Forum & Glavbolgarstroy Holding AD (GBS) sign a Cooperation Agreement at the VEF premises


Vienna Economic forum is very pleased to inform that on 3. August 2023, at the VEF premises in Vienna, the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF), Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva and the Chairman of the Management Board of Glavbolgarstroy Holding AD (GBS), Mr. Kalin Peshov signed a Cooperation Agreement. Vienna Economic Forum is proud to welcome Mr. Peshov in the VEF Board!

The signing of this Cooperation Agreement comes as a result of the strong dedication and commitment of both Glavbolgarstroy Holding AD and Vienna Economic Forum to enable the implementation of future joint projects through intensive cooperation!

More information you can find here.

VEF GBS 3 web

VEF GBS 4 web

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Prof Dr. Danica Purg, President of IEDC-Bled Schoold of Management, Slovenia, Strategic Partner of Vienna Economic Forum receives the Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Wollongong from Australia

Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) is pleased to announce that Prof Dr. Danica Purg, President of IEDC-Bled Schoold of Management, Slovenia, Strategic Partner of Vienna Economic Forum has been conferred the highest academic degree - the honorary doctorate degree - Doctor Honoris Causa. The conferral took place at the University of Wollongong's alumni event in Vienna on July 26th, hosted by  Prof. Colin Picker, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Wollongong.

Prof. Dr. Danica Purg Doctor Honoris Causa 2023

This recognition, marking Prof. Purg’s sixth honorary academic title, is a testament to her global accomplishments in shaping management education. Her commitment, innovative mindset, and drive for excellence have consistently put forth the value of ethical and responsible leadership.

Vienna Economic Forum congratulates Prof. Dr.  Purg!

Click here for the IEDC-Press release.

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Interview with KR. Ing. Otto Musilek, Founding Member and Auditor of Vienna Economic Forum, for the Energate Messenger Austria

Vienna Economic Forum is pleased to announce that KR. Ing. Otto Musilek, Consultant at MEC-Management Energy Consulting and former Managing Director of OMV Gas GmbH (2001-2007), founding member, long-time active supporter, and auditor of Vienna Economic Forum, has shared his extensive knowledge in an interview for the first daily energy news service in Austria, the Energate Messenger Austria.

The published interview can be found at the following link.

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Vienna Economic Forum - Cooperation partner NOVOMATIC AG with a successful NOVO – Company Day

Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) is pleased to inform about the great response at the NOVO – Company Day and to congratulate on this successful and very important day for the employees!

Click here for the Press release.

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The Cooperation Partner of Vienna Economic Forum - Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Investment Office - has concluded the Initial round of "Türkiye Century Investment Receptions" in Europe with a reception at the Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Vienna
The Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Investment Office, longstanding Vienna Economic Forum Cooperation Partner and Member of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum, has launched the first round of its "Türkiye Century Investment Receptions" series in Europe, as part of a commemorative roadshow in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye, and successfully concluded with a reception at the Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Vienna.
The reception provided the international business community with an up-to-date overview of the growing investment environment and lucrative opportunities in the Republic of Türkiye. The reception was opened by the Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye in the Republic of Austria, H.E. Mr. Ozan Ceyhun, Member of VEF - Ambassadors Committee and Mr. Ahmet Burak Dağlıoğlu, President of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Investment Office and Board Member of Vienna Economic Forum.
On behalf of the VEF Board, the Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva congratulated the hosts on the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye. 
Vienna Economic Forum is pleased about the unique excellent cooperation with the VEF founding member Republic of Türkiye since 2004, and especially about the resulting successful investments by numerous VEF members in various sectors, as well as about the further fruitful cooperation! 
 The press-release can be found here.

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Fotocredit: SOCIETY/Karakan

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NOVOMATIC scores highest brand value increase in 2023

Vienna Economic Forum is pleased to be able to inform about the further successes of the VEF Cooperation partner NOVOMATIC AG, represented on the VEF Board by DI Ryszard Presch as VEF Vice-president.

Click here for the Press release.


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Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) President Ambassador Victor Jackovich participated at the UN DESA SDG Summit 2023

On behalf of Vienna Economic Forum on 7th June 2023 the VEF President  Amb. Victor Jackovich participated on the Sustainable Development Goals Summit 2023, organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)


This virtual Informal Stakeholder Dialogue created an opportunity for major groups and stakeholders to share inputs to the Zero Draft Political Declaration for the SDG Summit 2023.

Hereby is the text of the VEFcontribution to the discussion, given by Ambassador Victor Jackovich:

Vienna Economic Forum is an International non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Vienna, Austria.  It gathers the most prominent members of business communities from Austria and from a total 13 member Countries in Southeast Europe and in the region "from the Adriatic to the Black Sea".  The organization has been active for 20 years as a platform for substantive discussions about regional and global economic issues.  The Vienna Economic Forum has consultative status within the framework of the UN's ECOSOC.

Vienna Economic Forum congratulates the efforts and progress made by DSDG and DESA in developing a relevant agenda and draft declaration for future action to be adopted at the Summit 2023 in September.  This includes efforts to invite stakeholder organizations, such as VEF, to provide additions and comments.

In this regard, from the standpoint of Vienna Economic Forum, we focus on our priority of Southeast Europe and the region "from the Adriatic to the Black Sea."  In this regard, we hope the draft declaration can provide strengthened emphasis on education, youth organization, health care, digitalization and regional cooperation (particularly in post-conflict areas).

Vienna Economic Forum, of course, also supports the "Vienna Program of Action for Landlocked Countries 2014-2024."

The 2023 SDG Summit will be chaired by the President of the General Assembly (PGA) and convened on 18-19 September 2023 in New York, during the United Nations General Assembly high-level week. The outcome of the Summit will be a negotiated political declaration.

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Vienna Economic Talks – Prishtina Meeting 2023

The Vienna Economic Talks – Prishtina Meeting 2023 took place on 8. May 2023 under the Patronage of H.E. Mr. Albin Kurti, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo in Prishtina.

Vienna Economic Forum is proud to have organized the successful event under the Motto "Regional Cooperation in a Fragmented Environment" together with the Government of the Republic of Kosovo.

For additional information, please click here. The Program can be found here.


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Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between Vienna Economic Forum and Delphi Economic Forum in the framework of the Annual Conference Delphi Economic Forum VIII 

On 29. April 2023, Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) and Delphi Economic Forum (DEF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during the Annual Delphi Economic Forum VIII conference in Dephi, Greece.

MoU Signing VEF Delphi

The Secretary General and Founder of Vienna Economic Forum, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva and the Founder and President of Delphi Economic Forum, Mr. Symeon Tsomokos emphasized that this is yet another and very important step in the long-term cooperation of both organizations, which corresponds to their strong commitment to promoting regional cooperation and is of immense importance for the economic development of the region. 

The signing took place at the end of the Session "Building a Safe, Fair and Responsible Migration Policy for European Societies" in the presence of H.E. Mr. Karl Nehammer, MSc, Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria, speaker in the “World Affairs” and “Immigration” Sessions.

Vienna Economic Forum and Delphi Economic Forum will also cooperate at the upcoming 20th Jubilee Vienna Economic Forum, on 13 November 2023, at the Vienna City Hall - Rathaus!

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Vienna Economic Forum Member country Montenegro – Investment potential and possibilities

Vienna Economic Forum is proud to present the economic opportunities and development potentials, as well as investment and business opportunities in the VEF Member country Montenegro.

Please find here the link to the Brochure of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Cooperation partner of Vienna Economic Forum with concrete investment opportunities and a list of potential projects.


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Vienna Economic Forum congratulates the longstanding Cooperation Partner Serbian Association of Economists for celebrating the 30th Jubilee Kopaonik Business Forum

This year’s 30th jubilee edition of the Kopaonik Business Forum was again an important place of gathering, business connectivity and dialogue between the business, political and academic elite. Kopaonik Business Forum was held in Serbia from 5th to 8th of March 2023, at the Congress Centre of Hotel Grand in Kopaonik. The central topic of the 30th edition of the Kopaonik Business Forum was “Pursuing Resilient Economy in Uncertain Times: Major Challenges for Serbia and the Western Balkans”.

Herr A.Vlahovic VEF

Vienna Economic Forum congratulates especially Mr. Aleksandar VlahovićPresidentof the Serbian Association of Economists and Member of the Board of Vienna Economic Forum, for the excellent organization of the Kopaonik Business Forum and wishes many further successes in their significant endeavours. 

Here is the press release.

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Vienna Economic Forum would like to express its gratitude to THE HEAT COMPANY for the generous donation to the victims of the terrible earthquakes in Türkiye and has the privilege to publish the Thank you Letter of Mr. Ahmet Burak Dağlıoğlu, President of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Investment Office and Board Member of Vienna Economic Forum.

 President Daglioglu Investment Office VEF The Heat Company Dankschreiben

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Regular Board Meeting and Annual General Assembly of Vienna Economic Forum on 13 February 2023

The Regular Board Meeting, followed by the Annual General Assembly of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) in 2023 took place on 13 February at the Vienna headquarters of the VEF Founding member - Vienna Insurance Group AG (VIG).

VEF VS MS Family Photo 2023

The host Mag. Peter Höfinger, Member of the VIG Board and VEF Vice-President, welcomed the present participants on the top floor of the Ring Tower. 

The Secretary General Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva reported on the VEF activities in yet another special and volatile year, which despite all global challenges can be described as very successful for Vienna Economic Forum.

In the special year 2022, VEF managed to adapt to the requirements of the time and made a further contribution to regional economic development with the organization of Vienna Economic Talks- Istanbul Meeting 2022 in May 2022. After the long break of the pandemic period, the 21st Traditional Garden Party of Vienna Economic Forum took place on 10 June 2022 in the Paradise garden of Villa Flora.

The VEF Secretary General particularly emphasized the great success of the 19th Vienna Economic Forum - Vienna Future Dialogue 2022, which took place on 14. November 2022 at the Raiffeisen Bank International in Vienna under the motto "Economy meets politics in difficult and uncertain times".

According to the Statute, the VEF President DI Peter Umundum led through the Agenda and the following new members were proposed by the Board and confirmed by the General Assembly:

The following were elected as new Board members:

  • Dr.  Christian Schwarz, Managing Director, as representative of the Member - Cooperation partner KELAG AG;
  • Mr. Veselin Baldzhiev, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director, as representative of the Member- Cooperation partner BULGARKONTROLA LTD;
  • Mag. Olha Bosak, responsible for Strategic Business Developments, as representative of the Member-Cooperation partner enso GmbH;
  • DI Wolfgang Anzengruber, long-time CEO of Verbund AG and honorary member of Vienna Economic Forum;
  • Former Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix, Director of the Diplomatic Academy (DA) Vienna;
  • Mag. Nikolaus-Conrad Lorenz, Strategy Director, Canon CEE, co-opted as a Board member in the place of his predecessor Mr. Wilbert Verheijen, Managing Director, Canon CEE GmbH. 

The following were elected as new Members - Cooperation partners:

  • enso GmbH

The following were elected as new Members - Legal entities:

  • KOOPERATIVA poisťovňa, a.s.  Vienna Insurance Group, Bratislava
  • L&M Political Risk and Strategy Advisory GmbH
  • The Fund of Funds - Fund Manager of Financial Instruments in Bulgaria

The following were elected as new Members-Natural persons:

  • Dr. Willibald Plesser
  • Ms. Velina Tchakarova, MA
  • Ms. Irena Perchuklievska Pal, BBA

The following were elected as new Members of the Ambassadors Committee:

  • H.E. Mme Ambassador Dragana Radulović, Charge d'Affaires a.I. at Embassy of Montenegro
  • H.E. Mme Michaela Mocanu, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova
  • H.E. Mme Desislava Naydenova-Gospodinova, designated Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria

Honorary membership in the honorary committee of the Vienna Economic Forum was awarded to the following former VEF Board members:

  • Dr.  Karl Blecha - former Minister of Interior of the Republic of Austria, long-standing Board member of Vienna Economic Forum
  • Dr.  Klaus Liebscher- former governor of the Austrian National Bank, long-standing Board member of Vienna Economic Forum

After the election and appointment of the new members, DI Peter Umundum handed over the office of VEF President to Ambassador Victor Jackovich, President, Jackovich International LLC, USA, long-standing VEF board member and supporter of various VEF activities. 

Ambassador Jackovich primarily thanked DI Umundum for his activities as VEF President (2020-2023) and then expressed his gratitude for the trust. He emphasized that he wants to carry the office well into the future and develop the forum well.

With a short speech, the outgoing President DI Peter Umundum thanked the newly elected VEF Board members for their trust.

After the conclusion of the Agenda, the General Assembly was closed at 6.00 p.m. 

Following this year's Board meeting and General Assembly, Mag. Peter Höfinger, Vice-President of Vienna Economic Forum, invited to a small reception, where the members had the opportunity to discuss various possibilities and ideas for further cooperation in the Vienna Economic Forum region.

Fotocredit: SOCIETY/Pobaschnig


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Vienna Economic Forum - Cooperation partner Novomatic AG successful at ICE London 2023

Vienna Economic Forum is pleased to inform about the further successes of the VEF Cooperation partner NOVOMATIC AG, represented on the VEF Board by DI Ryszard Presch as VEF Vice-president.

After a tremendously busy show, NOVOMATIC takes stock of ICE London 2023, which proved to be the best, the busiest and by far the biggest ICE ever. Alongside the success on the show floor, the company was also delighted to win two first places in key categories at the prestigious European Casino Awards.

Click here for the Press release.

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Vienna Economic Forum & AACC
Sign a Memorandum of Understanding

25 January 2023
Vienna- Austria


With the aim of enhancing mutual relations and strengthening cooperation between Austria, Southeastern European countries and Arab countries, the Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC), represented by its Secretary-General Eng. Mouddar Khouja, and the Vienna Economic Forum (VEF), represented by its Secretary-General H.E. Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 25 January 2023.

The MoU ceremony was honoured by the presence of Dr. Ernst Huber, Member of AACC Board of Directors and Member of the VEF Honorary Committee. Dr. Snezana Kearns, Senior Project Manager, Ms. Irena Pal (BBA), Project & Office Manager, and Mag. Niko Petković, Project Manager additionally attended the ceremony from VEF’s side, whereas Mag. Leila Kaplan, Office Director and Chief of Staff attended from AACC’s side.

The signing of this MoU was the result of deliberations that took place during a courtesy visit paid by Secretary-General Khouja to Secretary-General Kirtcheva earlier this month. H.E. Ambassador Dr. Kirtcheva has already met with a number of Arab ambassadors in Vienna, in an attempt to further consolidate coordination and cooperation with the Arab region, an area in which SG Khouja reiterated his readiness to support by all means.


  L-t-r: Ms. Pal, Mag. Kaplan, Dr. Huber, SG Eng. Khouja, Amb. Dr. Kirtcheva, Dr. Kearns, Mag. Petković

This bilateral agreement between AACC and VEF demonstrates the will of both parties as strategic partners to establish cooperation and good relations between both institutions, by means of mutual support of each other’s initiatives and activities, organising joint events and sharing useful information on the economic situation and developments aimed at supporting the goals of both institutions.
In this context, Ambassador Kirtcheva announced the upcoming “Vienna Economic Talks- Prishtina Meeting 2023”, scheduled to take place on 7-8 May 2023 in Prishtina, Kosovo and invited SG Khouja and AACC members to attend. SG Khouja extended an invitation to Ambassador Dr. Kirtcheva and VEF members to take part in the 12th edition of the “Annual Investment Meeting (AIM)” and the “Entrepreneurs Investment Summit: Investing in Arab and African Entrepreneurs”, which will be held under the support of the Union of Arab Chambers (UAC) from 8 -10 May 2023 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Pursuant to the agreement on widely publishing information and news pertaining to each other’s activities, each of the institutions will reciprocally share information about the above-mentioned meetings and vigorously promote the other’s events within its extensive network.


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Secretary General of Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC), Dipl.-Ing. Mouddar Khouja to a working meeting at Vienna Economic Forum (VEF)

On 9th January 2023, the Secretary General of the Vienna Economic Forum Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva had the pleasure to welcome Dipl.-Ing. Mouddar Khouja, Secretary General of the Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC)  in the premises of Vienna Economic Forum (VEF).

The conversation took place in a very friendly atmosphere and focused on the options for future cooperation. New perspectives were identified, for the development of which the two parties discussed the possibility of signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

AACC Generalsekretär DI Mouddar Khouja Web.jpeg Formatiert

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Cooperation Agreement for the organisation of „Vienna Economic Talks- Prishtina Meeting 2023”

On 12 January 2023, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum and H.E. Mr. Albin Kurti, Prime Minister of Kosovo and Patron of Vienna Economic Forum signed a Cooperation Agreement regarding the organization of „Vienna Economic Talks- Prishtina Meeting 2023” on 7-8 May in Prishtina.

The signing of the Cooperation Agreement took place in the premises of the Diplomatic Academy Vienna and was followed by intense talks with the delegation of the Prime Minister and H.E. Mr. Lulzim Pllana, Ambassador of Kosovo and Member of the Ambassadors Committee of Vienna Economic Forum, and in the presence of Ambassador Dr. Emil Brix, Director of the Diplomatic Academy Vienna and a longstanding supporter of Vienna Economic Forum.

Kosovo DA 3

Kosovo DA 4

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VEF Cooperation partner - Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) collaborates with World Bank Group member IFC in the VEF - Member country Bulgaria

Vienna Economic Forum is pleased to inform about the further development of the VEF Cooperation partner Vienna Insurance Group (VIG), represented on the VEF Board by Mag. Peter Höfinger as a VEF Vice-President.

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, has acquired a stake of around 10% in the Bulgarian pension fund Doverie, which is majority owned by the VEF Cooperation partner - Vienna Insurance Group (VIG). The aim of the cooperation is to strengthen private pension provision in the VEF - Member country Bulgaria and to jointly expand the pension insurance market in the country.

Vienna Economic Forum congratulates the Vienna Insurance Group on this important step and is proud of the successes of its Cooperation partner.

Click here for the Press release.

Peter Höfinger VIG und Vittorio Di Bello IFC Sonja Raus VIG

Vittorio Di Bello (IFC) and Peter Höfinger (VIG) 

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Working meeting with H.E. Mr. Hamad Ali Mohammed Subaih Alkaabi, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates

On 11 January 2023, Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva, Member of the Board and Secretary General of Vienna Economic Forum was received by H.E. Mr. Hamad Ali Mohammed Subaih Alkaabi, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates and Permanent Representative to the International Organizations for a working meeting at the Embassy of the UAE. 

The main topic of the discussion were various possibilities for a cooperation and potential active participation of representatives of the United Arab Emirates economy in the VEF- Activities.

Amb. UAE 16.01.2023 Arbeitsgespräch

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Working meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq H.E. Mr. Baker Fattah Hussen at the premises of Vienna Economic Forum

On the 9th of January 2023, the Secretary General of the Vienna Economic Forum Ambassador Dr. Elena Kirtcheva had a working meeting with H.E. Mr. Baker Fattah Hussen Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq and Permanent Representative to the International Organizations, accompanied by Dr. Zahim M. Muslim, Counsellor responsible for the Economic Relations, at the premises of Vienna Economic Forum.

In a very friendly and open atmosphere, interesting potential opportunities and concrete initiatives for a future cooperation between the Republic of Iraq and Vienna Economic Forum were discussed.

Amb. Iraq H.E. Baker Fattah Hussen

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